Monday, December 26, 2011

Demon Slayers!

A new class is emerging from the deep dark grounds. The class is called Demon Slayers! This class is the last part of the legends update. These "Demon Slayers" are from the Resistance class set. They are warriors that hold one-handed maces and axes, but there is one thing in particular that made this class stand out. THE SPEED! Demon slayers are very fast just like the Mercedes Class! Demon Slayers also DO NOT USE MANA. This makes them unique because of the different type of mana they use. Thier mana is called Demon Fury(A.K.A. DF)Nexon will call the demon fury, DF in the game to shorten it. So basically how they get the demon fury is when they kill a monster. This relates kind of to Clerics who have Mana Eater that will make you gain mana when you slay a monster. This same goes with Demon Slayers. This class is epicosity packed in a small pack! For some back story, Demon Slayers began in the temple of time, last time i've checked the temple of time was where pink bean was! That is all I know for the new class Demon slayers. Demon Slayers are scheduled to come out on January 11th.

                                   NEXON NEXON NEXON please get going with the update I cannot wait for this =)

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